Educational Card Games

These games support learning by playing using physical cards and natural interaction

Card games is an assistive tool for education, applying ambient intelligence technologies. The system offers physical interaction through printed cards on a tabletop setup, where a simple webcam monitors the table’s surface and identifies the placed cards. The card games collection features two games:

  • Multiple choice quiz game: Players are asked to select the best possible answer from a list. In order to select an answer or a category, the player has to place a paper card on the table surface, instead of using traditional input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, touch screen, etc.).
  • “Place the landmark” game: The player’s objective is to identify and correctly place a number of landmarks at their right location on a map. For that to be achieved, the player has a deck of cards at his disposal. Each card represents a landmark (e.g. monument, sight, town etc.) and should be placed on the physical map mounted on the table.



Korozi, M., Leonidis, A., Margetis, G., Koutlemanis, G., Zabulis, X., Antona, M., & Stephanidis, C. (2012). Ambient Educational Mini-games. In G. Tortora, S. Levialdi & M. Tucci (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2012), Capri Island (Naples), Italy, 21-25 May (802-803). New York: ACM Press.